The four permissible goals in Hinduism are kama, artha, dharma and moksha, with each goal being more important than those before it - Google Linkz - All people are connected in Life as lovers, friends and other relationsip | Quotes

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Friday, 16 May 2008

The four permissible goals in Hinduism are kama, artha, dharma and moksha, with each goal being more important than those before it

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The four permissible goals in Hinduism are kama, artha, dharma and moksha, with each goal being more important than those before it. In Western terms, kama can be remembered as the pursuit of pleasure. ... In Hinduism, it's permissible to strive for both.


Within the Grihastha Dharma there are four pursuits of life, known as purusharthas (canonical four aims of human life).

The four purusharthas are:

kama (desire for sensual pleasure)

artha (acquisition of worldly possessions or money)

dharma (observance of personal, societal and religious duties)

moksha (liberation achieved through God-realization)

Among these, dharma and moksha play a special role. The pursuit of kama and artha is only noble when pursued under the laws of dharma, with the ultimate goal, moksa, at the horizon.

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