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Saturday, 10 May 2008

Most common FAQ's

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Most common FAQ's 


When should an out of state vehicle register with RTO in Karnataka?

A Vehicle is not permitted to ply with other state registration mark beyond 11 months from the date of migration . So you should apply and obtain the Karnataka Registration mark before that period.

Things to do to re-register an out of Karnataka state vehicle:

  • Intimate the nearest RTO within 30 days.

  • Pay the required tax.

  • Re-register the vehicle within one year after coming to Bangalore.

Documents required:

  • NOC from registration authority of the state where vehicle was registered.

  • Registration certificate.

  • Proof of address [Bangalore].

  • Insurance.

There are few exemptions to Central Government employees and defence personnel.

  • Life-time tax will continue, if paid in other state.

  • If yearly tax is paid, they continue to pay yearly tax here in Karnataka.

You can call the RTO helpline in Bangalore: +91-80-2235 3434

I want to buy a used vehicle in Karnataka. Is there anyway to get a police verification of this vehicle?

The Bangalore City Crime Records Bureau in co-ordination with the State Crime Record Bureau wil be opening a window counter at the police commissioner's office in Bangalore. People can avail the following services, on payment of nominal fee of Rs 20:

  • Information to potential buyers of a second hand vehicle. One can find out whether it is stolen one or has been used by any criminal for committing crime.

  • Information whether a stolen vehicle has been recovered in any part of the country

Call +91-80-2294-3165 for further details.

How do I get a new power connection for my house?

Power connection application form requires

It is better to use a electrical contractor to do the running around to get the sanction.

Where do I report electricity/power problems?


24 Hour: 080-22370711/22/33/44

Centralized Complaints: 1917 (6 lines) / 12660 / 1-600-338-017

Other numbers: 2228 7118 / 2228 119 / 2235 5180 / 98442 44639 (Executive Engineer)

Send SMS to 9848 237266 with the keyword HELP for further details.

Complaints received here are provided with docket numbers. While lodging complaint the name, address, telephones number and nearby landmark with nature of complaints should be given. In case complaint not attended within two hours contact 22252035.

Also you could contact,

Managing Director,

Bangalore Electricity Supply Company (BESCOM)

14/3, CFC Building, IV Floor

Nrupathunga Road

Bangalore - 560001

Phone: 080-2227 6366


How to get a dog licence?

  • Get the form from BCC [Rs 10]
  • Register your pet for Rs 50.
  • Vaccinate your pet for Rs 50
Please help the government by registering your pet.

Are there any dog bite treatment centers?

The Bangalore Mahanagara Palike has set up 24-hour dog bite treatment centres at BMP Referral Hospital on H Siddaiah Road and at the Ulsoor BMP Referral Hospital (only in Bangalore). Dr Susheela Shekar has been appointed the nodal officer and can be contacted on phone 22291966 (office); 25280195 (residence) and 98440-98127

Where do I find info about registering my property [site/apartment etc.]?

For the sale of houses, plots

  • Stamp Duty: 8% of market value of property - 8%

  • Additional Stamp Duty Under 3B of the Stamp Act: 5% of stamp duty - 0.4%

  • Additional Stamp Duty: 2% of market value of property (Payable to City Corporation. 3% if locatated within Taluk Panchayat) - 0.16%

  • Registration Fee: 1% of market value of property - 1%

  • Grand Total Stamp Duty Payable: 9.56%

For the sale of flats/apartments the stamp duty is based on the value of the property.

  • Upto Rs 300,000: 2%

  • Rs 300,000 - Rs 500,000: Rs 6,000 + 3% on amount over Rs 300,000

  • Rs 500,000 - Rs 1,000,000 and above: Rs 12,000 + 6% on amount over Rs 500,000

  • Rs 1,000,000 and above: Rs 42,000 + 8% on amount over Rs 1,000,000

  • Additional Stamp Duty: 5% of stamp duty, 2% to city corporation, 2% registration fee

How do I contact any of the BMP service centres? And what are the prescribed fees for their services?

The Centres are available at:

  1. Head office: 2297 5500, 2297 5583

  2. Jayanagar: 2297 5700

  3. Public Utility Building: 2297 5800

  4. Malleswaram: 2297 5600

Are there any consumer forums? Can I write to the media about the complaints I have?

  • Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum, Cavery Bhavan, K.G. Road Bangalore - 560001 (Phone: 91-80-22211137)
  • Civic Watch, C/O Deccan Herald, No 75, M G Road, Bangalore - 560001
  • Janaagraha, 198 Nandidurga Road, Bangalore 560046. Phone: 2237 0092,4127 7102/3, Fax: 2237 0093 E-mail:

 (civic amenities movement).

Is smoking banned in public places in Karnataka

On August 3, 2001 "The Karnataka Prohibition of Smoking and Protection of Health of Non-Smokers Bill, 2001" was passed in the Legislative Council. The bill is aimed at protecting the non-smoking public from the hazards of passive smoking, and prohibiting smoking in a few selected places like public spaces, auditorium, hospitals, health institutions, amusement centres, restaurants, court buildings, educational institutions, libraries and places of worship. It also discourages promotion of smoking through advertisements.

Is there a railway enquiry call centre in Karnataka?

Call 139 from anywhere in Karnataka for train related queries.

By dialling 139 and PNR number without a break, a caller can obtain PNR status directly without going through various prompts. Similarly, for berth availability in a train, one can dial 139, train number, date and month of journey. For example, by dialling 13926272811, they can get the berth availability on Karnataka Express (train no 2627).

Can I apply for visa for any of the foreign countries in Bangalore?

You can apply for a UK visa at: 304, Prestige Centre Point, 7 Edward Road (Cunningham Road), Bangalore - 560052. Email:

Where can I apply for birth/marriage/death certificate?

Chief registrar of births, deaths and marriages, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, M.S. Buildings, B.R. Ambedkar Road, Bangalore-560001. Call +91-80-22253758 / 22863025.
Also see
other offices in Karnataka.

How do I get real time traffic updates in Bangalore?

Bangalore Transport Information System (BTIS) and Airtel have partnered in providing real time traffic updates. Information Needed

  • To get area/junction codes

  • To know the route from area 1 to area 2

  • To know traffic condition and route from area 1 to area 2

  • To know traffic at a particular junction

SMS Procedure Send SMS to 54321 (Airtel Customers) or 98450 27222

  • BTIS CODE followed by name of area/junction

  • BTIS followed by area-code1 area-code2

  • BTIS followed by area1 area2

  • BTIS POINT followed by junction code

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